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Simple Fried Rice w/ Squid and Shrimp – Nasi Goreng Sederhana


2 cups Steamed Rice, pre-cooked
1 Tbs Garlic, chopped
2 Tbs Cooking Oil
4 ea. Meduim Shrimp, peeled end divined
1 ea. Medium Squid, sliced
1 ea. Egg
3 ea. red chili, sliced
1 Tbs Oyster Sauce
1 tsp Sesame Oil
1 tsp Light Soy Sauce

Cooking Method:

Sauté squid, shrimp cook for some time than add garlic, chili and continue cooking until aroma comes out. After that, put in egg, stir and finally put in rice, soy sauce and oyster sauce. Using spatula or ladle, stir rice to incorporate all ingredients. Continue cooking over high flame for 2-3 minutes. Just before removing rice from heat add sesame oil to give aroma. Now you can enjoy your Simple Fried Rice.


Anonymous said...

Walaupun sederhana menu panjenengan tetap ari dilembur mah teu aya bungbu nu araraneh kitu. Nu aya teh mung bahan dasarna ungkul, sangu, uyah, minyak sayur. Tos asana mah mung sakitu. Salam kang.. kumaha damang...

Anonymous said...

bro..resepmu kagak ade matinya yah..hehehe..salut saya..sempet aja buat yg sederhana seperti ini..

yg penting rasanya tohhh..hehehe..pasti maknyus..

keep nyoba resep yg baru2 yah bro..sukses..:)

Etet Ireng said...

@dehagoblog; alhamdulillah pangsto ujang,..hehehe nya saaya aya we atuh,..nu penting mah kumaha urang nyukuranana...jeung uyah oge mun di puruluk ku daging mah teu sawios2 hehe

@Blogger Addicter; sebetulny banyak yang belum di muat bro,tapi kadang malas...capek kerja heheheee

inicuma said...

wah kokinya sudah masak menu baru nih, Nasi Goreng sederhana
walapun sederhana aku suka lho makan nasi goreng
btw w/ Squid, squid ini proxy ya mas....??heheheh*kabur*

Ridho said...

Walaupun nasi goreng sederhana, tetep aja bikin ngiler, wong lagi bulan puasa.
Kok, jadi mikirin makanan ya ? Udah dulu deh, dr pada puasa saya batal.

The Diary said...

walopun sederhana kalo yg masak chef ya tetep enak... beda kalo yang masak aku hehehe jadi apa ya rasanya :D

ferniawan rese said...

wah klo aq yg msak ntar rasanya beda ma masakan chef asli,,
bnyak yg di prhatikan kli iah klo masak..masakin dunk,,hhehe..klo aq cplok tlur udah bsa makan,,hhihi..

Etet Ireng said...

@Oeoes; hehe iya kali, proxy itu apa sih mas squid ya ekkk..malah di bulak balik,..squid itu sotong kata orang singapore heheeee

@ Ridho Mohamad; tuh kan bener, setiap temen yang mampir pada ngiler,....hehee

@Lyla; jangan suka merendah mbak,..mbak jugajago masak,,inget nggak yang bakwan buatan lyla?..ngiler .

@ferniawan rese ; sya juga bisa masak ceplok telor, dan bisa makan,,hehee apalagi kalo di kasih dendeng daging hmmmm

Riri said...

bunda kalau bikin nasi goreng selalu gagal, ada rahasianya nggak?

ipanks said...

i have try your recipe and its delicious sir.my family send their greetings to you.thank you for your recipe and i want to make over and over because i really like to eat

Unknown said...

Kalo sayah punya istri, pasti tak paksa kursus sama Kang dede. resep masaknya kagak ada matinye....

Anonymous said...

I have try your recipe and it is delicious. I actually add your recipe to my collection and I'm also excited to let my friend taste this.

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