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First Award to Recipe4free - The Secret of Cooking

This is not a food recipe but a Great Buddy Award from my friend Blogger Addicter awarded to me. Great Buddy Award is given to person in a blogger community as a form of friendship or close friend who keep giving support or motivation each other. I take this opportunity to thank him, and I wish him in every success.


Anonymous said...

walah..thank u nie bro..wekekek..

masih nie begadang lagi expansi dikit..mau menjajah daerah barat dikit..alias BW biar kebagian and kecipratan AUV(alexa unique visitor)..wekekek..

masa kita terus dijajah..xixixi

The Diary said...

selamat ya mas... dapet award...

inicuma said...

selamat atas awardnya bro, sukses selalu

JoVie said...

selamat yah awrdnya.....