200 gm salmon fillet
1 tsp seafood rubs seasoning
30 ml lady hill hot sauce
1 portion mixed sauteed vegetable
30 ml clarified butter
1 pcs lemon wadges
Cooking Method:
Sprinkle rubs seasoning over salmon filet, to oviod sticking, grease grill surface with butter. Cook 4 minutes one side, turn salmon and glaze with sauce cook for additional 4 munites sor until the sauce begin caramelized.
Put grill salmon on the plate and serve with sauteed vegetable and lemon wedges.
In many ways, salmon is a wonderful fish dish to cook to different kind of cooking like baking, grilling and poaching. Beside delicious, salmon consist of omega3 which good for heart...
wah jadi laper nih ngeliat nya....kl di ganti ikannya selain salmon bisa ga ni ???
Wah jadi laper nih, bisa tolong kirimin pesenannya gak ?
bro..bungkus satu yah kirim via attchment email..hehehe..ngiler abissss niee...huehehe...
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